
24 hour 3d print.. I hate waiting, but it will be worth it. I'm using interfacing filament on the supports so it'll look nice (o^▽^o) Plus if I want to print something else I can just use the other printer hehe.
About 6 hours in. Bet you can't guess what it'll be! Also printed a JoJo joycon grip on the second printer to play JJASBR with.

The print it taking more than 24 hours because I set the printer speed slower. I want it to turn out really nice. I also printed a new stylus for my 2DS XL yesterday. Unfortunately, I can't find my 2DS XL now. It's funny how things turn out.
I'm very behind on everything I actually need to do. It's more fun to goof off when you have important things to get done, though. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

The 3d print is done and it turned out really well. I might sand it down and shade it so it looks cooler. Maybe I will print something else today.
I have plenty of free time because I got some things I was behind on done. Feeling productive :-)
A plush I had ordered finally arrived in the mail. My collection only grows.

I'm 3d printing myself a cute doll girl. She's a monster girl. I haven't decided what kind of monster she is yet, but she's purple and has a big tail. Maybe an alien dinosaur girl?
In other news, I've almost made myself nocturnal at this point. I really need to fix it, but I don't want to. I've been going to sleep at 7-10 am and waking up around 2-5 pm.