Hello, I'm Loodkz. This is my terribly designed site. Feel free to click around. It'll be a forever under construction sort of endeavor.
Anyways.. haha.. *points a gun at you* Strip. Now. Stop fucking crying.

Now that that's out of the way, here is a forewarning. I may express opinions some might find offensive. If that doesn't bother you, good, and if it does, that's fine too. Not everyone can get along, after all. It's not really a big deal, but you know how some people are.
This site is best viewed on pc. You can view it on mobile but it will probably look like shit.

Currently, my greatest passion is JoJo's Bizzare Adventure. I have many more interests I'll display on this site, though. As you can already tell, I love Os-tans. You can also probably infer I like anime a lot. I'm a bit of an otaku, haha. I'm also a fan of rhythm games and 2D arcade-style fighting games.
If you'd like to contact me, message me on Windows Live Messenger at loodkz@escargot.chat. You can sign up and download here if you don't have it.